A Full-line Manufacturer of Pallet Changers and Efficiency Products.
Established in 1969 and with corporate headquarters based out of Elk Grove Village, IL, Midaco is a leading full line manufacturer of pallet changers and many other efficiency products aimed at saving manufacturing time, increasing productivity and output for maximum profitability.
Midaco’s innovative products help to significantly increase the profits of global customers and are continuously developing new products to stay ahead of the technology curve with the latest innovations to customers all over the world.
Midaco is widely known for automatic and manual pallet changers for CNC machining centers. Established in 1969, with corporate headquarters in Elk Grove Village, IL. Midaco is continuously developing new products to stay ahead of the technology curve and improve customer profitability with decreasing spindle downtime. Midaco strives for quality and excellence in all aspects of product planning, design, manufacturing and service to customers while maintaining a leadership role within the industry.
Midaco has a worldwide network of distributors featuring quality products that back their standing as highly skilled and proficient industry professionals.